Thursday, January 2, 2014

1/2/14 - Happy New Year!

Persuasive Pamphlet Project

You are going to work in groups to create a persuasive pamphlet. Follow the step-by-step guide. When you are done use the checklist to make sure that you have included all of the necessary parts. You will have two periods in class to finish this. The pamphlet is a major project grade and it is due Friday 1/10/14, but we will only work on it in class today and tomorrow.

Check off each as you go!
1.    Choose your topic from the list on the backside of this paper_______  
2.    Assign roles for each person in your group______
3.    Open up a Microsoft Word Template and choose a brochure________
4.    Begin inserting all of the required information from the checklist below

Choose a Role! If you have more than four people, you can have 2 people responsible for Role 2,3, and 4.
1. Leader: Makes sure everyone else is doing their job, by helping them do it. If the group fails it is the fault of the whole group especially the leader.
2. Pamphlet Designer: uses the computer to design a persuasive pamphlet
3. Researcher: Uses their phone and the text book to research the supporting details facts and examples needed for the pamphlet. This person must research the topic as well.
4. Writer: Writes paragraphs and subtitles on paper for the pamphlet

Insert everything on this Checklist

_____A title
_____The names of the members of your group
_____5 persuasive paragraphs spaced throughout the pamphlet
_____5 Subtitles for each of your paragraphs
_____Use at least three of the techniques of persuasion from pg. 634 in the textbook
_____Include 5 images
_____No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors
_____Everything makes sense and is well written
_____All pictures make sense and look good
_____Don’t copy and paste any text or you get an automatic F I WILL KNOW!

List of Topics
  1. All students should have an after school job.
  2. Partial birth abortion should be illegal.
  3. Every student should be required to take a performing arts course.
  4. Homework should be banned.
  5. School uniforms should be required.
  6. Year round education is not a good idea for student learning.
  7. The legal drinking age should be lowered to 18.
  8. PE should be required of all students throughout high school.
  9. All students should be required to perform one year of community service.
  10. Schools should block Youtube.
  11. Students should be able to leave school for lunch.
  12. All parents should be required to attend parenting classes before having a child.
  13. Single-sex schools are better for students.
  14. Students should be held legally responsible for bullying in schools.
  15. Cyberbullying that occurs outside of school, should be punished by the school.
  16. Teachers should not be allowed to contact students through social media.
  17. Public prayer should not be allowed in schools.
  18. High stakes state testing should be abolished.
  19. All people should be vegetarians.
  20. Renewable forms of energy should be subsidized by the government.
  21. Should America provide foreign aid to countries that kill and sell items from endangered animals.
  22. It is never appropriate for the government to restrict freedom of speech.
  23. Human cloning should be banned.
  24. Poetry should be removed from the curriculum.
25.         Macs are better than PCs.
  1. Androids are better than iPhones.
  2. The US Government should fund a space mission to Mars.
  3. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) should be banned.
  4. Democracy is the best form of government.
  5. All citizens who do not vote should pay a fine.
  6. The death penalty should be abolished.
  7. Sports stars should be positive role models.
  8. The right to bear arms is a necessary constitutional amendment.
  9. Grades should be abolished.
  10. Progressive tax rates are unfair.
  11. The voting age should be lowered.
  12. The driving age should be raised.
  13. Sharing music online should be allowed.
  14. Video games are too violent.
  15. History is an important subject in school.
  16. Schools should not be allowed to track students.
  17. Students should be required to pass algebra to graduate.
  18. Affirmative action should be abolished.
  19. Students should not be graded on their handwriting.
  20. America should not give foreign aid to other countries.
  21. The government should provide wireless service for everyone.
  22. Smoking should be illegal.
  23. People should be fined for not recycling.
  24. Performance enhancing drugs should be allowed in sports.
  25. Parents should be allowed to choose their baby's gender.
  26. Animal testing should be banned.
  27. Corporations should be allowed to donate money to political campaigns.
  28. Drone attacks against specific targets are a necessary part of modern warfare.
  29. US representatives and senators should have term limits.
  30. All students should take an online course.
  31. Social media comments should be protected by free speech.
  32. A border fence should be constructed between US and Mexico.
  33. Same sex marriage should be legal.