"Prezi"ntation Overview
Hello class we are going work in groups on presentations. We are going to use an online presentation tool called Prezi. When you are finished making your "Prezis," you will present them to the class.
This project is 10% of your marking period grade if you don't complete it you will drop an entire grade level.
I have included a step-by-step guide to completing this assignment, if you can follow it you should do fine I have also included a checklist to make sure you don't leave anything out. We will work on this in class and you will probably have to work on it after or before school or during 7th period.
CCSS Standards
W.10.2 W.10.9b
W.10.4 SL.10.4
The presentation that you make will be expository writing. Expository writing explains how or why something works, or it describes something in detail, or it provides detailed information. It does not rely on proving an opinion or point of view like a persuasive essay. It does not tell a story like a narrative essay. You must choose one of the topics below to make your presentation.
1. Create a step-by-step guide for surviving in a harsh environment. Include steps from the non fiction text, "Deep Survival."
2. Compare & Contrast one of the following pair of topics: living in the U.S. vs. living in another country or... the main character from one story with a main character from another story or... what it takes to make it in school vs. what it takes to make it in the "real world"
3. A comprehensive history of the evolution of Hip-Hop.
4. A comprehensive history of the evolution of basketball.
Step-by-Step Guide
1.Plan out your presentation using the organizer
2. Use research from the web to help you plan your presentation
3. When you have a rough idea of what your presentation will look like, go to Prezi.com
4. Whoever has the best attendance in your group should sign up for your whole group.
5. Click start a new prezi
6. Upload a picture. This picture should serve as the background for your pezi.
7. Using the graphic Organizer that you have planned out create your Prezi.
8. Add pictures, text, and video in a logical way to make your presentation.
9. Your presentation should make sense and be detailed.
10. When you are done save your work. You are going to present your topic to the class next Friday October 25th
____Include a Large image that represents your topic
____Include a Title
____Include the names of all people in your group
____Include at least twenty frames in your Prezi
____ Include at least 8 Pictures
____Include at least one video
____Include text in every frame
____Check your work for mistakes
____Present your work.
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