Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Honors Homework DUE on 10-1-14

In class today, we listened to a conversation between various individuals. The men and women in this video were stating their opinions on whether they cheer for Harrison and his actions towards the end of the narration. Many of them started out by pointing out likeable qualities that Harrison had, but they also pointed out dangerous qualities that he possessed, stating that he was too much of an authoritarian to be a good ruler. Some of your classmates added to that point by stating that Harrison would perhaps criticize individuals for being average, as opposed to being highly intelligent or above average.

Now it's your turn:

-Ask yourself the following questions (no need to write it it down unless that helps you process your thoughts):

What kind of leader might Harrison have been?

Would he have been a better or worse leader?

-After answering these questions to yourself, keep them in mind for the next step:

Based on your answers to the above questions, write a 100-200 word fictional editorial piece with one of the following as its title:

Mad Man Escapes Prison!

Hero Killed by the government!

***In your article you should include a brief sentence or two that summarizes what happens to Harrison in the story, followed by your opinion of it. Lastly, you should conclude your editorial piece by predicting whether the society in the narration would have turned out better or worst if Harrison succeeded in being "Emperor."***

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